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My philosophy is about first starting from where you are and allowing you to share the story that matters to you. 

I seek to genuinely honour what you're facing as well as gently explore opportunities with you for reconnecting with what's meaningful to you.

I use a variety of practice frameworks including Grief and Loss, Acceptance and Commitment therapy, Narrative and Solution-Focused therapies.

All of these are grounded in a humanistic approach, meeting you from a place of my own human-ness and trusting the depth of knowledge and personal resources that you bring.

Silver Rings

Fees and Service Delivery

NDIS Social Work is billed at the current rate in line with the NDIS price guide, under

Improved Daily Living.


AHSWC offers short term, reduced private rates to accommodate for financial challenges and disadvantage and enable

support with applying for the NDIS and/or

private counselling.


I can meet with you at your home or in the community within 50km radius of Mt Barker,

in my consulting room at Littlehampton,

or via teleconference (video link).

Travel fees may apply.


Optional free 15 minute phone call for an initial discussion to enable you to get a feel for whether this is the right fit

Wooden Window

NDIS Social Work

I am strongly person-centred in my approach and come with a solid foundational knowledge of the disability sector and NDIS system. I recognise that a disability is as unique as the person living with it.

My practice is based on

principles of empowerment and can include:​

  • holistic assessment

  • report-writing, support letters

  • planning


    identifying goals and barriers

  • advocacy and referrals

  • therapeutic counselling 

Day Trippin


Your personal information that is shared with me, including my written notes and other documents, will be securely stored and not shared with anyone without your consent, unless there is a perceived risk of harm to yourself or someone else, or if required by law.

In any of these instances I will endeavour to discuss with you first.



I am committed to keeping up with my own regular professional supervision for support in ensuring I am maintaining best practice.

Guy with Hoodie
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